Eco Therapy

Eco Therapy & Forest Bathing

Being appreciative of both nature and mindfulness meditation, I offer outdoor therapy sessions. My extensive work with young people, informed me that taking therapy outside, for a walk and talk, can have significant benefits on the therapeutic relationship. Therapy is not a ‘One-size-fits-all’ approach. Being able to adapt what I offer is incredibly important to my working practice. Being outside, amongst nature, ‘Forest Bathing’, can have a remarkably positive impact on our overall wellbeing. I have two therapy dogs: Winston and Stanley, who often accompany me during these sessions. Whether we walk-and-talk, practice a bit of mindfulness or just become at one with nature, therapy outside is growing in popularity and might be a more suitable option for your therapy needs.

(These sessions are offered after a risk assessment)

Price List

  • Individual Therapy Sessions: £60 for fifty minutes(Concessions for OAP and student counsellors)
  • Couples/Family Therapy Sessions: £90 for sixty minutes
  • Supervision Sessions: £50 for one hour or £65 for ninety minutes (Concessions for student counsellors)